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اسم الكتاب
ركن الهندسة الميكانيكية - Mechanical Engineering
عن الكتاب
Finite element (FE) method is presented for the
analysis of thin rectangular laminated composite decks
plates under the biaxial action of in – plane compressive
loading. The analysis uses the classical laminated plate
theory (CLPT) which does not account for shear
deformations. In this theory it is assumed that the laminate
is in a state of plane stress, the individual lamina is linearly
elastic, and there is perfect bonding between layers. The
classical laminated plate theory (CLPT), which is an
extension of the classical plate theory (CPT) assumes that
normal to the mid – surface before deformation remains
straight and normal to the mid – surface after
deformation. Therefore, this theory is only adequate for
buckling analysis of thin laminates. A Fortran program
has been developed. New numerical results are generated
for in – plane compressive biaxial buckling which serve to
quantify the effect of reversing lamination scheme on
buckling loading. The buckling loads have been
determined for two modulus ratios 40 and 5. It is observed
that, the buckling loads are completely the same for the
given first three modes. Therefore, it can be concluded that
the buckling load of laminated plates will remain the same
even if the lamination order is reversed. The reason behind
this is that the transformed elastic coefficients, , are
equal for both lamination schemes.
صاحب الكتاب
عدد القراء
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تاريخ الأضافة
2019-03-158:33 AM
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application / pdf
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