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اسم الكتاب
ركن الهندسة الميكانيكية - Mechanical Engineering
عن الكتاب
This book was originally prepared in 2012 and updated recently in 2015. The objective of the present book is to present a complete and up – to – date coverage of composite laminates properties and literature reviews through the usage of a wide spectrum of old and recent bibliography.
The material presented in this book is intended to serve as an introduction and literature review of composite laminated plates. In chapter one, the introduction was presented from the points of view of fundamental definitions of fibrous composite laminates and micromechanical properties of fibers and matrix materials. At the end of the chapter the objectives of the present work were cited.
Chapter two contains a comprehensive literature review which includes continuous developments in the theories of laminated plates. Also, a survey of numerical techniques which could be used in the analysis of laminated plates.
Chapter three contains the conclusion of the present book. In this chapter the important observations and findings were explained clearly.
The book is suitable as a review on theories of plates, numerical and / or analytical techniques subjected to bending, buckling and vibration of laminated plates.
Osama Mohammed Elmardi Suleiman
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering and Technology,
Nile Valley University, Atbara – Sudan
November 2015
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