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عن الكتاب
This paper discusses review of literature of
dynamic scheduling in manufacturing. First, the problem
is defined. The scheduling problems are classified based on
the nature of the shop configuration into five classes, i.e.,
single machine, parallel machines, flow shop, job shop, and
open shop. A variety of approaches have been developed
to solve the problem of dynamic scheduling. Dynamic
scheduling could be classified into four categories,
completely reactive scheduling, predictive-reactive
scheduling, robust predictive-reactive scheduling, and
robust pro-active scheduling. It is better to combine
together different techniques such as operational research
and artificial intelligence to overcome dynamic scheduling
problems so as to endow the scheduling system with the
required flexibility and robustness, and to suggest various
orientations for further work is this area of research.
صاحب الكتاب
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تاريخ الأضافة
2018-11-146:51 AM
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