الكتب الجديدة

اسم الكتاب
خفض الاهتزازات في الابراج والمباني العالية الناشئة عن سرعة تيارات الرياح
دراسة نظرية ومختبرية لمضخات الطرد المركزي
دراسة جدوى فنية لأستخدام طاقة الرياح في المنشأت الهندسية مثل توليد الكهرباء في المنزل
study of the effect of physical and mental fatigue on the performance of labourers in industry
(Study of Failure in Hydraulic Systems (Case study of machinery used in local
study of composite materials
Study of Pneumatic Systems in Industrial Structures
study of control systems in modern vehicles
nozzle jet machine for grass irrigation
nonlinear analysis of rectangular laminated plates under static lateral load
modification of silencer device in rickshaw Bajaj
modification of cooling element in air coolers
leakage problem in hydraulic systems
experimental study on the effect of over-cooling on performance of internal combustion engines
effect of excessive oil in oil-gasoline engine of rickshaw