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اسم الكتاب
ركن الهندسة الميكانيكية - Mechanical Engineering
عن الكتاب
A basic mechanics course should primarily aim to develop in engineering students the ability to analyze a given problem in a straightforward and logical way, and to apply a few simple, well-understood principles to its solution. This text is intended for a sophomore engineering course that combines statics and mechanics of materials or strength of materials.
The study of materials mechanics and statics in this text is predicated on an awareness of a few fundamental ideas and the application of simplified models. This method allows for the logical and rational development of all required formulas, as well as the identification of the precise circumstances in which their safe application to the analysis and design of real engineering structures and machine parts takes place.
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تاريخ الأضافة
2024-07-131:48 PM
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