تم ارسال رسالة لبريدك الالكترونى تحتوي على رابط لتفعيل حسابك . قم بالضغط على الرابط لتفعيل الحساب ولتتمكن من استخدام الموقع أو قم بإدخال رمز التفعيل المرسل لك فى الخانة أدناه .
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اسم الكتاب
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عن الكتاب
Five friends (Tamer), (Lamis), (Arwa), (Emad) and (Bella) discover a new game in the old library of their friend (Arwa's) grandfather, appeared through it a jinn his name is (Sarhan), who can manipulate several characters according to the game's 100 cards, but raises problems in the characters who win by cheating or neglected in their work only and is never approached by serious or diligent figures because the purpose of manipulation is basically to define the target person to the extent of shortcomings in their work, which can be repaired if the manipulated personality is later describe by integrity and honesty.
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تاريخ الأضافة
2021-03-052:04 PM
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