تم ارسال رسالة لبريدك الالكترونى تحتوي على رابط لتفعيل حسابك . قم بالضغط على الرابط لتفعيل الحساب ولتتمكن من استخدام الموقع أو قم بإدخال رمز التفعيل المرسل لك فى الخانة أدناه .
سجًل معنا الآن
مرحبا بعودتك!
اسم الكتاب
العلوم العامة
عن الكتاب
The topics dealt in this book are preparation of Nucleic Acids that
includes Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid (DNA) Extraction, Ribose Nucleic
Acid (RNA) Extraction and Plasmid DNA Extraction; Basic Molecular
techniques including Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and
Electrophoretic Techniques; Gene expression analysis using Reverse
transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR); Molecular genotyping of Short Tandem
Repeats (STR), Alu insertions; Mutation detection techniques including
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP), Amplification
Refractory Mutation Detection System (ARMS) and Single Stranded
Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP); Nucleic Acid Blotting: Dot
Blotting and Southern Blotting; Latest molecular techniques like DNA
Sequencing, Multiplex PCR and Automated DNA Fragment size
analysis by Gene scanning; DNA Recombinant Technology and
A separate chapter on a brief overview of all the statistical methods
which can be used to analyze the biological data has been included.
This book has been written keeping in mind the bench workers and
also the researchers who are going to establish their own laboratories.
We have tried to give point wise description of various techniques.
Although every effort has been made to make this book as up to date
as possible, there may still be some deficiencies and mistakes. The
comments and suggestions from users are solicited for improvement.
صاحب الكتاب
مؤلف الكتاب
Prof. Suraksha Agrawal
عدد القراء
عدد مرات التحميل
تاريخ الأضافة
2018-08-183:52 PM
نوع الملف
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